Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Well, here we are..almost at the end of Thanksgiving Day. My day got off to an early start at about 5:45 a.m. I'm a morning person, but I was still a bit sluggish getting going this morning. My dog thought it was a normal workday until I started moving the travel bags around, and then she knew we were going to go for a ride in the car. Then there was no living with her.

Coxie cannot bear the thought that I might go somewhere and have fun without her, so when the travel bags come out, she works extra hard to make sure she goes with me. She's underfoot, or virtually stuck to my leg, or standing right next to the front door so I'm sure to see her. Silly girl. The longest I've ever been away without her was for about 7 days when I went to New Orleans last year. When I got back she was practically an extra appendage for the first few days. It's nice to be missed, though.

I finally made it out the door at about 8:30 and began the process of loading the car. My bags, the pets' bag, the pets and myself. The ride to my mom's was fairly uneventful for a holiday. There were several police cars about to catch the speeders and any impaired drivers. There were a couple of pick-up trucks that raced by me, zig zagging in and out of lanes, that I was happy to see pulled over by the police further on down the road. I couldn't resist a mental "HA! HA!" as I cruised by at the speed limit.

During the drive over I listened to a learn German CD series. I'm coming along, but I can't quite get the speed of speech down, or comprehend it as well if it's spoken to me quickly. I suppose once I'm fluent I'll be able to talk as fast as I do with English, but for now, I stumble through slowly. Note to my German friends: remedial speed when you speak, (please.) Today I was learning how to order drinks, so if I want beer or wine, I'm set! Haven't learned the words for water, milk, tea, lemonade, or soda yet, but perhaps in good time...or I can use a translator...

Also during the drive over, my parakeet, Lime, seranaded us with a range of vocalizations from soft, sweet and melodic, to screeching his head off because he thought we'd forgotten about him in the back seat. I'm actually waiting for him to order beer or wine (he heard it enough ;-)  )

We arrived safely at my mom's around 11 or so and settled in to relax and watch TV for awhile. My brother came over a couple of hours later and then we watched a couple of movies while dinner was cooking. The meal was turkey, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, salad, olives, stuffing and bread, and for dessert we had pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Delish!

The rest of the day was a typical holiday for us so I won't bore you with all that. It's been a very good day, and I am grateful that we were all able to be together and enjoy such a fine meal. The leftovers await us for lunch (and probably dinner) tomorrow, and we will all sleep well tonight with gratefully full bellies and a roof over our heads. I hope everyone has enjoyed their holiday as well.

Peace for your day...

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