Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

Book Review: Unchain the Elephant

Unchain the Elephant is a new release from Simple Truths, a website and company well known for its inspirational books and other products. It is definitely one of my favorite haunts, and no, I am not being paid to say that. 

The Unchain the Elephant analogy comes in the form of a story of how elephants in captivity are trained from a very young age that they cannot break free of the chains that bind them. A thick chain is tied to a tree or post, and the young elephant will test it and tug on it and eventually learns that it cannot break free, so it gives up trying. As an adult, it can be "secured" with a mere rope and it will not try to escape. 

I found the story heartbreaking, and I can see where it applies to so many people, including myself, who may have long since given up or nearly given up on their dreams because they think they are stuck where they are, chained, if you will, to a job that does not serve them beyond paying the bills and putting food on the table. A part of their soul longs to be free and to be heard on its terms.

The author talks about three key moments where we must respond appropriately if we wish to free ourselves from our shackles and provides examples from his own, personal experience.

  1. Facing our predators (fear, etc.)
  2. Embracing our passions
  3. Rediscovering our packs (tribe)

The author, Erik Wahl, for years had been a corporate cog who followed the dictates of society that mandated getting a degree, getting a good job, following the rules, climbing the corporate ladder, etc., but he eventually realized that something was missing.

After his "secure" dot-com job bubble burst, he rediscovered his passion for art and has since parlayed his love of creating art and his business know-how into a career that he loves and has made him a much sought-after speaker.

The book is a quick 100-page or so read that was easy to digest, thought-provoking and filled with brilliant quotes and stunning photography and art. I do recommend it and hope that you will check it out for yourself.