Had my first experience at IKEA today, and while I may never be a hardcore fan of that store, I must say I am pleasantly surprised. I didn't think I would see much that I liked, based on what I had seen in their catalogs. I'm just not a fan of the modern look for furniture, but I did see a couple of pieces that were more traditional-looking that I did like. I also saw a couple of lamps that I really liked and a lovely pitcher that I am planning to go back and get.
Any IKEA fans out there?
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Slow News Day
Nothing to see here today. Writer's block is winning. Maybe I'll have an interesting dream tonight...
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Well, here we are..almost at the end of Thanksgiving Day. My day got off to an early start at about 5:45 a.m. I'm a morning person, but I was still a bit sluggish getting going this morning. My dog thought it was a normal workday until I started moving the travel bags around, and then she knew we were going to go for a ride in the car. Then there was no living with her.
Coxie cannot bear the thought that I might go somewhere and have fun without her, so when the travel bags come out, she works extra hard to make sure she goes with me. She's underfoot, or virtually stuck to my leg, or standing right next to the front door so I'm sure to see her. Silly girl. The longest I've ever been away without her was for about 7 days when I went to New Orleans last year. When I got back she was practically an extra appendage for the first few days. It's nice to be missed, though.
I finally made it out the door at about 8:30 and began the process of loading the car. My bags, the pets' bag, the pets and myself. The ride to my mom's was fairly uneventful for a holiday. There were several police cars about to catch the speeders and any impaired drivers. There were a couple of pick-up trucks that raced by me, zig zagging in and out of lanes, that I was happy to see pulled over by the police further on down the road. I couldn't resist a mental "HA! HA!" as I cruised by at the speed limit.
During the drive over I listened to a learn German CD series. I'm coming along, but I can't quite get the speed of speech down, or comprehend it as well if it's spoken to me quickly. I suppose once I'm fluent I'll be able to talk as fast as I do with English, but for now, I stumble through slowly. Note to my German friends: remedial speed when you speak, (please.) Today I was learning how to order drinks, so if I want beer or wine, I'm set! Haven't learned the words for water, milk, tea, lemonade, or soda yet, but perhaps in good time...or I can use a translator...
Also during the drive over, my parakeet, Lime, seranaded us with a range of vocalizations from soft, sweet and melodic, to screeching his head off because he thought we'd forgotten about him in the back seat. I'm actually waiting for him to order beer or wine (he heard it enough ;-) )
We arrived safely at my mom's around 11 or so and settled in to relax and watch TV for awhile. My brother came over a couple of hours later and then we watched a couple of movies while dinner was cooking. The meal was turkey, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, salad, olives, stuffing and bread, and for dessert we had pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Delish!
The rest of the day was a typical holiday for us so I won't bore you with all that. It's been a very good day, and I am grateful that we were all able to be together and enjoy such a fine meal. The leftovers await us for lunch (and probably dinner) tomorrow, and we will all sleep well tonight with gratefully full bellies and a roof over our heads. I hope everyone has enjoyed their holiday as well.
Peace for your day...
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Preparing to Travel
Tomorrow is turkey day! Happy Thanksgiving where applicable, and for everyone else, well, have a great day! I'll be heading a couple of hours across the state to visit my mom and brother for the holiday and weekend. We're having our usual holiday feast of turkey, salad, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, and maybe stuffing. I'm not into stuffing, so I try not to pay much attention to it if it's served. Sorry, stuffing (and mom.)
In preparation for the trip, I have already packed what essentials I can, emptied all of the garbage cans (I have a thing about leaving garbage to sit while I'm traveling. I'm weird that way.), plus I've washed the small amount of dirty laundry there was for the same reason I can't stand to have garbage sitting while I'm away. I know, I know, but you should decide to find it charming. Your life will be easier that way. Besides, it's more hygienic this way! :-)
That's about it for today. It's been a very long day, and I need to be up early tomorrow. Safe travels, everyone! Below are a couple of pictures I took this week of some Sandhill Cranes that were in the parking lot where I work.
There are several Sandhill Cranes in the area where I work. This gang of four was holding up traffic in the parking lot the other day. They're cool birds, though, when they're not blocking your way out.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
New Orleans - 3
Okay, here are the last of the pictures from New Orleans. Enjoy!
This juggler was one of the folks entertaining us at the Mardi Gras party we attended that week.
A local artist draws caricatures of the guests at the party.
This girl on stilts had us all impressed with her ability to navigate through the party crowd without tripping over someone and falling down.
A New Orleans landmark: St. Louis Cathedral
Another popular building in New Orleans. It houses the Rivers Edge Restaurant and is across the street from the Cafe du Monde.
The aforementioned and world famous Cafe du Monde. The beignets are to die for!
A freighter hard at work on the Mighty Mississippi River.
Tourists wait by the balcony of the Royal Sonesta Hotel on Bourbon Street for revelers to earn the Mardi Gras beads that they hold.
Hope you enjoyed the mini tour of New Orleans! Be sure to tune in tomorrow!
Monday, November 23, 2009
New Orleans - 2
Just a few more pics from my trip to New Orleans last year. Enjoy!
Aboard the Creole Queen
"Mother's Restaurant" is world famous for their Po Boy sandwiches.
A yellow banner advertises Satchmo Summerfest. Satchmo, also known as Louie Armstrong, was one of New Orleans' favorite sons.
Headed to New Orleans for Mardi Gras? You can rent a balcony to watch the festivities!
New Orleans has some of the prettiest ironwork I have ever seen. Here is a sample of what I saw while I was there.
New Orleans is also known as a haunted city, with zombies, vampires, etc. Above are two of the characters I saw in this particular store.

Street performers are common around the city. I have no idea what the silver guy was supposed to be, but the street band was playing a tourist favorite, "When the Saints Go Marching In."
"Death" hanging out on Decatur Street.
A wizard musician and street dancers entertain the crowd on Bourbon Street.
Bourbon Street and St. Ann
Saw this sign along Bourbon Street: "Female Impersonators. Men Prettier Than Girls." Scary, but probably true.
Also seen along Bourbon Street: "Jazz Funeral: Where People Are Dying To Come In." The group I was with had the opportunity to hear a local high school band from the St. Bernard parish play the Jazz Funeral. It was a very moving experience.
I will wrap up tomorrow with a few more shots of New Orleans. Be sure to come back!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
New Orleans - 1
I had the great opportunity to visit New Orleans in July of 2008. Here are a few pictures I took around town. The people were very, very nice and appreciative of the help the city was receiving from any number of groups who are assisting in the rebuilding of the Crescent City, and for the tourists that were returning to spend their vacations there. All were most welcome!
I saw this sign in several places around New Orleans and could indeed feel it being lived out by the citizens of the city.
Winston Churchill
Riverwalk Marketplace, located right by the banks of the Mighty Mississippi!
The Creole Queen. I was fortunate to be able to take a jazz dinner cruise on the Creole Queen during my visit!
Just had to take a picture of this restaurant in New Orleans called "Fat Tuesday!"
Fountain and one of the plaques on the wall surrounding the fountain. Click the picture for a larger version.
That's all for today. Part 2 tomorrow!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!
Today was a lot of fun! I am mentoring an international student from China who is attending the university near me. This is her first holiday season in the US and she is full of questions about American traditions, customs, etc. Today I took her and her friend shopping. Of course they have shopping in China, but my mentee (Yan) is particularly curious about Black Friday shopping and adores Christmas decorations. She and her friend (Ni) peppered me with questions about both today, and as I will be traveling out of town for the Thanksgiving holiday and weekend, we hit the stores this weekend and still managed to find a few good deals.
We started in Target where Yan immediately found a pair of jeans that she fell in love with. I wish I could find something that quickly! I did come away with a fedora hat (which I am wearing as I type because it makes me feel like a writer somehow) and a knit cap for when the temperatures do actually get cold here. Ni found some cute little Disney princess notebooks that she bought for friends' kids.
Also, while in Target, we browsed around the Christmas decorations and I answered several questions about those. We took pictures in front of the Christmas trees (I don't have them, unfortunately) and admired the Christmas village houses. Both ladies were enthralled with those and were so excited by all of the lights and decorations, it really was like seeing the holiday through the eyes of a child. Sheer wonderment and joy...it was awesome!
After leaving Target we had an early lunch at Panera Bread, since I had overslept and didn't get a chance to eat breakfast. Rather, I had lunch, and Yan and Ni had tea since they had just eaten before we met up. We had a great time discussing different traditions in our respective countries, and both Yan and Ni got to see a new way to serve soup---in a bread bowl. Unheard of in China. I learned that the Chinese serve rice in watermelons, pumpkins, mangos, etc. They scoop the insides out and steam the rice inside the fruit, where it takes on the fruit's flavor. It sounds delicious and I would love to try it sometime!
After lunch, it was on to Old Navy, where Ni bought a shirt each for her father and her boyfriend. I never have much luck in that store, and no joy today, either, but not to worry. We continued on to Bed Bath & Beyond where I found a couple of squeaky toys for my dog. Then it was on to Ross where we all saw a lot that we wanted, but current finances dictated a more reserved purchase. Ni found a couple of shirts for her mom that I have no doubt will look stunning on her, and Yan decided not to get anything. As for me, I will get that little red dress yet! I am still losing weight and didn't want to buy it in a larger size, only to have to get it again later after I've lost the weight so I waited...for now...
After we finished at Ross we decided to call it a day. I took the girls back home and then headed home myself since my dog's kidneys were probably doing the backstroke by this point. Got home and received an extremely warm and happy welcome home from the pooch, took her for a walk, and then just crashed. Shopping can be soooo tiring!
That's about it for now!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Universal Studios - 3
Great day today! Took the day off to run some personal errands and met up with a friend for lunch and then spent the afternoon shopping and taking in a movie! Saw a gnome, or wizard, or something on a street corner advertising for a local apartment complex. Not sure what that was about, but here are some more pics from my adventures at Universal Studios. Hope you enjoy them!
Saw this outside of one of the studios' attractions: Earthquake. Could you imagine this happening in real life?
A new attraction being built at the studios. Don't know what it will be called. The rest of the pictures are from the New York and San Francisco lots at the studio.
Tomorrow, something different. :-)
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