Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Morning of a Day in the Life of a Bathroom Mirror

I read a suggestion recently on Dan Goodwin's A Big Creative Yes blog to write object diaries to help get the creative writing muscles flexing, so this is my first attempt at that. The object is a bathroom mirror, who greets each family member as they enter each morning to get ready for their day. They don't hear it, of course, but it was fun to write. Hope you enjoy it!

Well, good morning! You’re looking bright-eyed and bushy-tailed!

Well, okay, we'll just call it bushy-eyed, then.

How did you sleep?

Ha-ha! You’ve got pillow lines!

*Ahem* Sorry.

Wash your face. There you go. Feeling more alert? Good.

Ah! Getting ready to shower!

No, you can’t get away from me. You all wanted a big mirror, remember? Get over it and get in the shower. I won’t peek.

Now you’re all squeaky clean! Well, almost. You missed a spot right between your…yep, yep! You got it!

Off you go!

(5 minutes later, another family member enters)

Good morning, Teenybop! My, you’re looking pale and tragic today.

No, you’re not fat! OMG! I can barely see you!

Well, he’s an idiot for dumping you!

No, you’re not ugly, you’re beauti…

What are you do…NO! Don’t pop your…..EEW!

Well, I hope you’re planning to get the glass cleaner this time! I hate hanging around here all day with this crud stuck to my face!

Where are you going? Hello? Hellooooo?

(3 minutes later, the youngest family member enters)

Oh, good! It’s the little one!

Hello, Little One! Who shall we be today?

A superhero? How fun!

That towel cape looks terrific on you!

Check out those muscles and that proud, puffed out chest!

And who could resist that 1000-watt smile?

You can do anything!

You will smite all enemies with an arch of your eyebrow!

Everyone will give you candy all day!

Your mom and dad will buy you a puppy and take care of it for you!

Nothing can stop you!

The Universe is yours!

What’s that your mom is yelling?

Time to go to the doctor?

Well, it won’t be so bad. You’ll put him out of business, you’re so healthy! You…hello? Where’d you go?

Hmm…I didn’t know he had invisibility powers.

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